If you execute this script, it’ll add a newline in your ~/.bashrc just in
case it doesn’t end with a newline, then add this line:
echo sleep 1 >>~/.bashrc
The effect of this isn’t immediately visible to the pranked user. When they’ll
start a new Bash session, e.g. by opening a new terminal window, the code in
~/.bashrc will be executed, and the previous line will add sleep 1 at the
end of it, which means it’ll be executed and the user will have to wait one
more second before having their prompt. The next time they’ll open a session,
it’ll add one more line and thus will wait 2 seconds, and so forth.
In this post, I’ll give you an overview of the existing solutions to prevent
these pranks.
Note that I’m referring to ~/.bashrc as your startup Bash file because it’s
commonly used, but some people directly use ~/.bash_profile instead, or
another one. When you start a session, Bash reads /etc/profile, then tries
~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, (in that order). In most
environments the default ~/.bash_profile file sources ~/.bashrc.
User Rights
The first solution is to protect your ~/.bashrc by restraining the access.
Nobody should be able to edit your file except you (and root). It should be
the default, but if you messed up with user rights, here is how to reset the
file to a safe state (read and write for you, and that’s all):
$ chmod 600 ~/.bashrc
Most attacks thus involve you executing a script, which allows them to bypass
the rights because the script is executed by you with your editing rights.
One solution would be to remove your own writing right and adding it only when
you need it:
# add this in your ~/.bashrc
secure-edit(){ chmod u+w $*;${EDITOR:-vi}$*; chmod u-w $*;}
Then remove your writing right:
$ chmod 400 ~/.bashrc
You can’t edit your file anymore, but you can use your new secure-edit
$ secure-edit ~/.bashrc
It temporarily allows you to modify the file, open your editor, then put the
restricted rights back.
The “last line protection”
This one is easy to use but easy to circumvent. The goal is to prevent one-line
insertions, such as:
echo"alias ls=cd" >> ~/.bashrc
and the solution is as simple as:
Yes, that’s just an hash symbol. If you ends your ~/.bashrc with it, the
first inserted line will be commented out:
#alias ls=cd
It doesn’t work if the prankster adds multiple lines, or adds a newline before
the prank.
You can exit from a Bash script with exit. Your ~/.bashrc is not executed
like a script, it’s sourced. This means Bash doesn’t start a subshell for it
and execute all its content in the current shell. This also means if you write
exit it’ll exit your current shell.
The solution here is to use return at the end of your file:
Any line added after this one won’t be executed because Bash will stop the
evaluation. Note that while it’s better than the previous solution, it can be
nullified by a sed call (e.g. sed 's/return//').
The disguised return
This one is the same as the previous one, but prevents pranksters from removing
it with calls to sed or similar search & replace techniques. It uses the fact
than in Bash you can execute a command contained in a variable by using it at
the proper place:
$print_something hello
These lines are equivalent to echo hello. We use the same thing here with
return. The idea is to execute an obfuscated version of return, e.g.:
And voilà! It’s now nearly impossible to detect the return execution
without manually editing the ~/.bashrc file.
This is still vulnerable to file replacement, e.g.:
rm ~/.bashrc
echo'echo "sorry, no."' > ~/.bashrc
This wipes the existing ~/.bashrc file and replace it with another one.
I started learning Python four years ago and have been heavily programming with
it for near than a year now. In this post I’ll share some tools I use to ease
and speed-up my workflow, either in the Python code or in the development
These tips should be OS- and editor-independent. I have some useful Vim plugins
to work with Python, but that’ll be for another post. You might have to adapt
commands if you work on Windows.
Setting Things Up
Let’s say you’re starting a Python library. You have a couple dependencies, and
hopefully you’d like it to work on multiple versions, like 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x.
How can you test that? You have to (a) manage your dependencies to not mess up
with your user environment, and (b) test with multiple Python versions.
Virtualenv lets you create isolated Python environments. That means you get a
pristine environment where you’ll install your library’s dependencies, and
nothing else. It’ll be independent of your user space. It’s important to work
with an isolated environment because you don’t know which environment will your
users have, so you shouldn’t make any assumption besides your own requirements.
Working with your user environment means you might forgot a dependency because
it just works since it’s installed on your computer but it’ll broke if run on
another computer without this dependency.
You should be able to install it with pip:
$ pip install virtualenv
It needs a directory to store the environment. I usually use venv, but you
can choose whatever you want:
$ virtualenv venv
You can then either “activate” the environment, which adds its bin directory
in your PATH:
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python # that's your virtualenv's Python
$ deactivate
$ python # that's your Python
or prefix your commands with venv/bin/ (replace venv with your directory’s
$ venv/bin/python # that's your virtualenv's Python
$ python # that's your Python
I usually do the later. Install dependencies in the environment:
$ venv/bin/pip install your-dependency
Don’t forget to tell Git or any tool you’re using for versioning to ignore
this venv directory. It can take some place (from 12MB to more than 40MB)
depending on the number of dependencies you’re relying on.
To remove an environment, just delete its directory:
$ rm -rf venv
It can be convenient to save place on your computer if you have dozen of
environments for different projects, especially if can quickly re-create any
environment with its dependencies.
If you’re using pip to manage them, you should know you can install
dependencies not only from the command line, but also from a file, with one
dependency per line. Each one of them is processed as if it were given on the
For example, you could have a file containing this:
This file is usually called requirements.txt, but here again you can call it
whatever you want. You call install all these at once with this command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
But we’re programmers and we’re lazy, we don’t want to track down each
installed library to include it in this file.
Here comes pip freeze.
pip freeze outputs all installed libraries with their version. It can be put
in our requirements.txt for later use:
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
This requirements.txt file becomes handy when used with virtualenv because
you’re now able to fire up a new environment and install all required
libraries, with two commands:
Note that these are libraries used in the environment, not necessarily your
library’s dependencies. In the above example you can see we’re installing
coverage and pep8, which respectively are a code coverage test tool and a
lint one we’ll talk about later in this post, not libraries we’re depending on
You should thus add this file in your public repository, because it provides
anyone with the informations they need to have in order to mirror your
environment and be able to contribute to your project.
Now that your local environment is ready, you can start coding your library.
You’ll often have to fire an interpreter to test some things, use help() to
check a function’s arguments, etc. Having to type the same things over and over
takes time, and remember: we’re lazy.
Like Bash and some other tools, the Python interpreter can be configured with
an user file, namely $PYTHONSTARTUP. It allows you to add autocompletion,
import common modules, and execute pretty much any code you want.
Start by setting PYTHONSTARTUP in your ~/.bashrc (if you’re using Bash):
Here we’re telling the interpreter to look for the $HOME/.pythonrc.py file
and executing it before giving us a prompt.
Let’s initialize this file with autocompletion support:
You can add a lot more stuff in this file, like history
support, colored prompts or common imports. For example, if you use sys
and re a lot, you can save time by adding them in your startup file:
You won’t need to type these two lines anymore in your interpreter. It doesn’t
change how Python executes files, just the interactive interpreter.
Four different kinds of tests are covered by this part: style checkers to
ensure your code’s consistency, static analysis tools to detect problems before
executing the code, unit tests to actually test your library, and code coverage
tests to ensure you do test all the code.
Style Checking
These are tools which help you maintaining a consistent coding style in your
whole codebase. Most of these tools are easy to use, the hardest part being to
choose which one fits your requirements.
Python has a PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal, sort of RFC), the
PEP 8, dedicated to its coding conventions. If you want to follow
it, a command-line tool, rightly named pep8, is available.
$ venv/bin/pip install pep8
$ venv/bin/pep8 your/lib/root/directory
foo/mod.py:84:80: E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)
foo/mod.py:85:6: E203 whitespace before ':'
foo/mod.py:86:80: E501 line too long (87 > 79 characters)
foo/mod.py:87:4: E121 continuation line indentation is not a multiple of four
It’ll check each file and print a list of warnings. You can choose to hide some
of them, or use a white list to decide which ones you want. It’s a good tool if
you want to follow the PEP 8 conventions.
Another highly customizable tool is pylint. It reads its configuration from
a file in your project, which can inherit from global and user
configurations. It’ll warn you about bad naming, missing docstrings, functions
which take too many arguments, duplicated code, etc. It also gives you some
statistics about your code. It’s really powerful but can be a pain if you don’t
configure it. For example, it warns you about one-letter variables while you
might find them ok.
Enters prospector.
Prospector is built on top of pep8 and pylint and comes with sane defaults
regarding the pickiness of both tools. You can tell it to only
print important problems about your code:
$ venv/bin/pip install prospector
$ venv/bin/prospector --strictness high
You’ll get a much shorter output, which will hopefully help you find potential
problems in your code.
Static Analysis
Here, we’re talking about analysing the code without executing it. Compiled
languages benefit from this at compilation time, but interpreted languages like
Python have no way to have it.
One of the most popular tools for static analysis on Python code is
Pyflakes. It doesn’t check your coding style like pep8 or pylint, but
warns you about missing imports, dead code, unused variables, redefined
functions and more. You can work without style checkers, but static analysis is
really helpful to detect potential bugs before actually running the code.
Pyflakes can be integrated in editors like Vim with Syntastic, but its
command-line usage is as easy as the previous tools:
Prospector, mentioned in the previous section, also includes pyflakes. You
might also want to try Flake8, which combines pyflakes and pep8.
Unit Tests
When talking about testing, we usually think of unit testing, which is
testing small pieces of our code at a time, to make sure everything is working
correctly. The goal is to test only one feature at a time, to quickly be able
to find which parts of the code are not working. There are a lot of great
testing frameworks, and Python comes with a built-in one, unittest, which I
personnally use. I won’t cover these, and I’ll instead cover the case when you
need to test on multiple Python versions, which is often the case when you
plan to release a public library. You obviously don’t want to manually switch
to each Python version, install your dependencies then run your tests suit each
This is a job for tox.
Tox uses Virtualenv, which I talked about earlier, to create standalone
Python environments for different Python versions, and test your code in each
one of them.
$ venv/bin/pip install tox
Like some previous tools, it needs a configuration file. Here is a basic
tox.ini to test on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4:
It declares one dependency, colorama, and tells tox to run tests by
executing tests/test.py. That’s all. We can then run our tests:
$ venv/bin/pip/tox
It’ll takes some time on the first run to fetch dependencies and create
environments, but all the following times will be faster.
Like virtualenv, tox uses a directory to store these environments. You can
safely delete it if you need more space, it’ll be re-created by tox the next
$ rm -rf .tox
Code Coverage
This last part about testing talks about code coverage tests. These are tests
about tests. The goal here is to ensure your tests cover all your code, and
you don’t leave some parts untested. Most tools tell you how many lines where
executed when running your tests suit, and give you an overall coverage
One of them is coverage.
$ venv/bin/pip install coverage
Give it your project’s root directory as well as a file to run your tests:
$ venv/bin/coverage run --source=your/directory tests/test.py
It’ll run them, and give you a nice coverage report:
Getting to 100% is the ultimate goal, but you’ll quickly find that’s the first
80% are easy and the remaining 20% are the hardest part, especially when you
have I/O, external dependencies like databases, and/or complicated
There are a lot of ways to debug, including logs, but the simplest debugging
tool is the good old print. It becomes really impracticable when you have to
restart your server every time you add or remove one of them from your code.
What if you could fire a Python interpreter right from your code and inspect it
when it’s running? Well, you can do that with Python’s code module! This
trick is really handy, and I’ve been using it heavily instead of these prints
we write everywhere since I’ve discovered it.
The code module provides you with an interact function, which takes a
dict of variables to inject in the interpreter. You’ll be able to print them,
play with them, but these changes won’t be reflected in the program you’re
Remember that Python lets you get all global variables as a dict with
globals() and all local ones with locals(). We thus start by creating a
mirror of the local environment:
These two lines get all global variables (including imported modules) in a
dict called vars and add local variables in it. This can then be passed
directly to the interpreter:
This will start an interpreter with all these variables already available in
it. There’s nothing to install, this is a standard Python module.
You can even inline the code and add it in your favorite snippets manager:
Command-T is a wonderful Vim plugin which allows you to open files
with a minimal number of keystrokes. It’s really handy in a large
codebase where you only have to type <leader>t, then a couple letters and
press enter to open your file. It’s based on a fuzzy matching, which let you
skip letters without worrying.
I recently installed the plugin on another machine and noticed it was really
low: I had to wait a couple seconds to get the files list everytime. My
computer has 8GB RAM so the problem wasn’t there.
The solution is pretty simple: the plugin relies on a C extension which I
forgot to compile after the installation.
From the docs:
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
ruby extconf.rb
It’ll make the plugin incredibly faster. This step is easy to miss if you read
the docs too quickly. I wrote this blog post to remember this, I hope it might
help a couple others since I didn’t find anything on Google about this issue.